Young Carers Awareness Day 2020
11 February 2020>
30th January was Young Carers Awareness Day, throughout January we had a campaign running to raise awareness of Young Carers and encourage people to support them. The theme of the day was #countmein calling on compulsory education providers to identify and support young carers. With this in mind Warwickshire Young Carers asked for young carers, families, schools, professionals and anyone who wanted to be involved to raise awareness of young carers by writing down a word or phrase that describes a young carer and share it on social media using #countmein and #warksyc #YoungCarersAwarenessDay.
The campaign was a big success with Young Carers being talked about far and wide, we had Young Carers, their families, our staff, volunteers and sessional workers involved. Beyond our organisation, Schools, Universities, other young carers services, individuals, other youth support services, MP's, local councilors, charities, businesses, the Police and the County Council all got involved and supported the campaign. This helped to spread the word far and wide and had a huge impact. We are incredibly grateful to everybody who got involved, thank you so much for your support. See below a just a few images from the campaign, to see more take a look at our facebook, twitter or instagram pages.

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